Contact Posh Pennies
For suggestions, questions, or partnership ideas, the best way to reach me is by emailing me at vivien[at]poshpennies[dot]com, or via Instagram.
I have a design/ decorating question, can you help me?
Due to the volume of emails received, unfortunately, I’m unable to answer individual decorating and design queries. I also do not take on clients. You can always leave a comment on one of my blog posts or on one of my YouTube videos – even if I’m not always able to respond, many times a member of the community will be kind enough to help out! Thank you for understanding.
Are you accepting guest posts or paid links?
No. Posh Pennies is not accepting any unsolicited guest posts or paid links, and we don’t respond individually to these types of emails. We also do not reply to requests to add do-follow links to existing posts.
Thank you!