106 Things To Purge From Your House in Thirty Days
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Everyone has clutter! Even if it’s just a little. And it’s so easy to procrastinate the tedious task of sorting it all out!
But if you let your clutter overwhelm you, it becomes harder and harder to deal with.
Decluttering is a great activity to do at home every now and then. Not only does it free up physical space, but it also alleviates and frees us psychologically! A 30 day decluttering challenge such a this one, can be fun to try in the new year. But if you’re someone who prefers to do your major cleaning in the spring, then you could do it then, too. It doesn’t matter when you do it!
Watch a fun (old!!) video of me decluttering everything shown in this post!
Too many things just weigh us down.
A simple 30-day plan.
So here is a simple, 30-day plan to help you declutter a little bit every day.

At the end of 30 days, I guarantee that you will feel like you lifted a huge weight off your shoulders! And it won’t even seem like it was that hard.
Just follow this daily decluttering plan and don’t stress!
If in the process you feel you can’t let go of something, don’t feel bad. You don’t have to get rid of anything, nobody is forcing you to! And nobody can tell you what amount “too much stuff” is. It’s always going to be subjective because we all have different experiences and emotions tied to the items around us.
The point of purging, or decluttering, is that you decide to part with things that, for whatever reason, are weighing you down – otherwise you probably wouldn’t consider them clutter in the first place!
Don’t be hard on yourself.

No matter what, don’t be hard on yourself if you feel like you can’t declutter ‘enough’. You’ll know when it’s time to donate or otherwise part with something! If that time is not right now, it might be later. It’s ok!
On the other hand, don’t be afraid to get rid of things that have sentimental value, if they are causing you any kind of stress!
For example, a gift that a relative gave you, that you really don’t use. It’s ok to let it go! It’s your space and ultimately it’s your decision what you keep in it.
Here’s how it works – it’s so simple!

It’s just 30 minutes a day, for 30 days.
It will probably even take you less than that, but make sure you set aside the time.
Go ahead and download my free printable if you’d like to use it. It’s got a handy checklist and it’s satisfying to check off the boxes as you go 😉
- Find the appropriate day on the plan, eg Day 1, if you’re on Day 1
- Gather your decluttering materials (see below).
- Set a 30-minute timer and don’t let yourself go over unless you get into it, and feel like going over!
- Then just put your clutter into either the trash bag, recycling bag or donation bag.
If after 30 minutes you’re not done, don’t stress! Just give yourself another 30 minutes the next day to finish up. So let’s say you were on day 6 and you didn’t manage to finish. The next day, just start on day 6 again. No biggie! It’s ok if you can’t get it all done in one round!
You can of course do a longer session than 30 minutes if you want to! But I recommend keeping them short so that you don’t overwhelm yourself. Working in 30-minute segments keeps you focused, and feels rewarding once it’s over!
Remember that the items on the list are what *I* would consider to be clutter. If you don’t agree with something, just skip over it! Or you may find others to add instead.
It’s a fluid process. But it’s good to try and start somewhere. That’s what this list is for.
Materials you will need:
- ⏱️ 1x Timer (you probably have one on your phone!)
- 🚮 1x Trash bag
- ♻️ 1x Recycling bag or box
- 📦 1x Donation bag or box
- 🎵 Some fun music! (optional, but it helps!)
106 things to purge From Your Home in Just 30 days
→ download my free printable ←
Day 1:
Old, faded costume jewelry
Broken jewelry
Mismatched jewelry
Jewelry you never wear (sell if valuable?)
Day 2:
Mismatched socks
Torn tights
Worn out leggings
Old undergarments
Day 3:
Old/broken shoes
Old slippers
Purses and bags/backpacks you no longer use
Old wallets
Day 4:
Expired makeup
Old makeup brushes
Dried up or goopy nail polish
Dull nail files
Day 5:
Stained, torn sheets
Stained, torn towels
Old face cloths
Day 6:
Used up candles
Empty candle votives
Used up lighters
Extra lighters
Day 7:
Pajamas you don’t wear
Sweatpants you don’t feel cute in
Excess or old workout clothing
Day 8:
Chewed up pet toys
Old pet accessories
Old pet food / treats
Pet grooming items you no longer use
Day 9:
Hair elastics with no stretch
Broken / excess hair clips
Hair accessories you don’t use
Old combs and brushes
Day 10:
Expired meds
Old toothbrushes
Shampoos and conditioners you don’t use
Day 11:
Old magazines
Takeout menus
Expired and old receipts
Day 12:
Canned food you won’t use (donate!)
Old spices or spices you never use
Expired condiments
Day 13:
Extra hand lotions
Old face washes and masks
Unused deodorants
Samples of beauty products
Day 14:
Chipped mugs
Chipped plates
Chipped bowls
Lidless or cracked Tupperware
Day 15:
Plastic utensils from takeaway
Packet condiments from takeaway
Extra napkins from takeaway
Rubber bands / twist ties
Day 16:
Small appliances you never use
Dull knives
Broken kitchen utensils
Day 17:
Old greeting cards
Old calendars / planners
Old invitations
Ticket or concert stubs
Day 18:
Travel brochures
Junk mail
Old Catalogs
Day 19:
Markers and pens that no longer work
Unused office supplies
Broken office supplies
Day 20:
Books You’ve Read That You Won’t Read Again
Books You Know You Will Never Read
Old Textbooks
Day 21:
Blankets Or Throws You Don’t Use
Lumpy Old Pillows
Day 22:
Abandoned craft projects
Unused craft supplies
Extra buttons
Day 23:
Paper manuals that you can find online
Old paid bills
Expired warranties
Day 24:
Toys kids no longer use
Kids/baby clothes that no longer fit
Day 25:
Extra Plastic Bottles
Random Empty Jars Or Containers
Old Store Loyalty Cards
Day 26:
Old puzzles
Games you don’t play
CDs you don’t listen to
Movies you no longer watch
Old computer programs
Day 27:
Dead batteries
Broken electronics
Old or broken cordless/mobile phones
Extra cords/cables you don’t need
Day 28:
Snacks You Don’t Like Or Eat
Cookware You Don’t Need Or Have Multiple Of
Cookbooks You Do Not Use
Specialty Tea Or Coffee You Don’t Drink
Day 29:
Broken Christmas decorations
Dried flowers
Knick knacks that just collect dust
Day 30:
Disliked large pieces of furniture & decor
Bonus day!!
Gifts you don’t like or use (donate)
Rusty tools
Empty cardboard boxes

YAY! You’re done!
And hopefully it was a stress-free experience and you feel better about your space now.
By now you will probably have several donation bags. Maybe you want to give some stuff to friends and family.
Make sure you deal with the donation bags as soon as you can, if you haven’t already. Try not to let them sit in a hallway gathering dust for weeks, or in the back of your car (I’m so guilty of this!!💁♀️) Someone will gladly use and love your discarded items!
Have you decluttered lately? Tell me about how it went!